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Spectral Analysis Using Haar Wavelet (Original Signal, Denoised Signal, Residual Signal) and Source Level for whistle sound of Dolphin (Tursiops aduncus)

Muhammad Zainuddin Lubis*, Pratiwi Dwi Wulandari, Sri Pujiyati, Totok Hestirianoto, Juliana Rodrigues Moron and Dwi Putra Imam Mahdi

Haar wavelet method in mathematics is a sequence of rescaled "square-shaped", and have functions which together form mother wavelet or basis. Wavelet is analysis similars to Fourier Transform or Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) analysis allows a target function over an intervals to be represented in terms of orthonormal basis. The Haar sequence is now recognised as the first known wavelet basis and extensively used filtering data, and vocalization of sound. This study discussed about Haar wavelet with a view original signal, denoised signal, and residual signal with using fourth whistle sounds of dolphin (Tursiops aduncus). Location research in Park of Safari, Cisarua, Bogor Indonesia with 2 tail of dolphins. The results showed differences in results haar wavelet, this proves haar wavelet is a wavelet method is suitable for the analysis of dolphin sounds, and have frequency range 8-22 kHz. The higher the value of the noised signal will be smaller residual signal. Rated highest of residual signal contained in the second whistle, whistle while the lowest is 1, it shows that the larger the signal denoised result residual signal generated using Haar wavelet. Source level value is with frequency range value is 8500 Hz-11800 Hz, with the highest SL value is 43.9 dB ( brown cyrcle). The lowest of Source level with frequency range value is 15700 Hz-17990 Hz, with a lowest SL value is 38.5 dB ( brown cyrcle). Frequency range 11800 Hz-15700 Hz is mean value from Source Level (SL). Whistle 1, 2, 3, and 4 have a different value SL.

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